11 research outputs found

    Perancangan Filter Analog Multistep pada Photoplethysmograph untuk Mengamati Detak Jantung Manusia Menggunakan Arduino

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    oai:ojs.mikroskil.ac.id:article/375Jantung merupakan organ vital didalam tubuh manusia. Ada banyak cara untuk mengetahui kondisi jantung seseorang, salah satunya menggunakan Photoplethysmograph yang diterapkan untuk mengukur perubahan intensitas cahaya yang disebabkan oleh penyerapan matriks sebelum dan sesudah perubahan volume darah karena adanya fase sistolik dari siklus jantung. Photoplethysmograph merupakan perangkat yang dapat mendeteksi perubahan volume darah tersebut. Data Photoplethysmograph dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi kesehatan jantung dan microvascular seseorang, beberapa diantaranya: untuk menghitung pulse rate, kadar oksigen (SpO2), glukosa, dan hemoglobin dalam darah, serta berbagai kandungan zat dalam darah secara non-invasive. Teknologi Photoplethysmograph ini semakin diminati karena kepraktisan penggunaannya dalam mengamati kesehatan jantung dan microvascular dalam tubuh manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan photosensor dan sumber cahaya tertentu yang mampu diserap baik oleh darah. Filter analog digunakan untuk menghilangkan noise dan membuat tampilan sinyal photopletysmograph menjadi bagus dan mudah diamati untuk diperoleh datanya. Arduino digunakan sebagai ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) sehingga data analog dapat ditransmisikan ke computer untuk ditampilkan dan diproses lebih lanjut. Sinyal hasil filter photopletysmograph pada penelitian ini cukup baik dan sangat jelas untuk dilakukan proses pengamatan kesehatan jantung lebih lanjut


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    ABSTRAKSI: Pada tugas akhir ini dibuat suatu aplikasi untuk mendeteksi dan menganalisis convex dan concave polygon pada bangun geometri 2-dimensi dengan menggunakan transformasi Radon. Pada penelitian sebelumnya telah dapat diketahui jumlah sisi segi-N bangun geometri, namum belum mampu membedakan bangun convex dan concave polygon. Pengenalan pola bangun geometri sangat penting untuk pengenalan objek menggunakan citra digital, contohnya pada aplikasi sensing robotic.Untuk mendeteksi dan menganalisis bangun geometri berbentuk convex dan concave polygon dalam sebuah citra digital, terlebih dahulu objek diakuisisi dengan dua cara yaitu dengan membangkitkan citra dari komputer dan dengan capturing dari webcam. Dilakukan preprocessing untuk mendapatkan garis tepi objek, kemudian dilakukan transformasi Radon dan dianalisis jumlah, letak dan pola titik-titik pada transformasi Radon tersebut. Jumlah titik mendefinisikan jumlah sisi bangun geometri. Letak titik yang berada di daerah bayangan hasil transformasi Radon garis lainnya mendefinisikan bangun tersebut merupakan concave polygon.Dalam menguji tingkat performansi algoritma dan aplikasi yang diimplementasikan, maka diujikan 216 citra berbentuk convex dan concave polygon bersisi 4, 5, dan 6 masing-masing dengan warna yang berbeda. Berdasarkan hasil uji, aplikasi ini dapat membedakan objek convex dan concave polygon dengan akurasi 99,07% dan dapat mengetahui jumlah sisi bangun geometri dengan akurasi 85,65% dengan waktu komputasi rata-rata 3,83 detik.Kata Kunci : Bangun Geometri, Convex dan Concave Polygon, Transformasi Radon.ABSTRACT: An application is made to detect and analyze the convex and concave polygons on 2-dimensional geometry object using Radon transformation on this thesis. Previous researches have been able to know the number of an N side of the geometry object, but they have not been able to distinguish between convex and concave polygon. Geometric pattern recognition is very important to recognize object using digital image, for example in sensing robotic applications.To detect and analyze convex and concave polygon in a digital image, first the object is acquired by two methods: by generating images from a computer and by capturing from the webcam. Geometry object is preprocessed to get its edge. Then, edge object is transformed in Radon domain become dots to be analyzed in dots amount, location and formation. The number of dots defines the number of sides of geometry object in original image. Dots in shadow of Radon transform from other lines defines concave polygon.The algorithm is implemented in the software. It has been tested in 216 images consist of 4, 5, and 6 sides convex and concave polygon with different colors. Based on results, this application can distinguish between convex and concave polygon object with 99.07% accuracy and can identify the number of geometry sides with 85.65% accuracy. Average computation time is about 3.83 seconds.Keyword: Geometry, Convex and Concave Polygon, Radon transform


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    An orderly & transparent administrative management of Preschool institutions is critical to improving the service performance of any Preschool institution. The recording of income and expenditure at Little Moslem Preschool, Bojongsoang, Bandung, is currently still being manually carried out. This practice already causes several problems, such as difficulties finding data when needed, calculation errors, and making reports that related parties do not become readily accessible due to data factors. Apart from this, no security system can be accessed directly by interested parties for peace and comfort in the school environment. Therefore, a solution is needed in financial administration applications, CCTV assistance, and applications for monitoring security and activities in Little Moslem Preschool. As mentioned earlier, administrative & assistive goals can be realized through a combination of modules within a PHP-based application connected to the network. This program is accompanied by training on the use of the application by managers, teachers, and parents of Little Moslem Preschool students. Based on the survey, 98,45% of participants had understood and used this application, so that in addition to being able to face digital challenges, with this activity it is hoped that the creation of an early childhood education institution that has quality, good service, and satisfying service of the institution's users is eventually made possible. --- Pengelolaan lembaga PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini) harus tertib, transparan, dan teratur secara administrasi demi meningkatkan kinerja Lembaga/instansi PAUD tersebut. Pencatatan pendapatan dan pengeluaran di PG dan TK IT Little Moslem, Bojongsoang, Bandung, saat ini masih dilakukan secara manual. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan beberapa permasalahan muncul seperti kesulitan pencarian data ketika dibutuhkan, adanya kesalahan perhitungan, dan dan kesalahan dalam pembuatan laporan karena faktor data yang tidak mudah diakses oleh pihak terkait. Selain hal tersebut, belum tersedia sistem keamanan yang dapat diakses secara langsung oleh pihak-pihak berkepentingan demi ketenangan dan kenyamanan di lingkungan sekolah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan solusi berupa aplikasi administrasi keuangan, bantuan CCTV, serta aplikasi untuk monitoring keamanan dan kegiatan dalam PG dan TK IT Little Moslem yang dapat dipantau melalui aplikasi berbasis PHP yang terhubung ke jaringan. Program ini disertai pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi tersebut oleh pengelola, guru-guru, dan orang tua siswa PAUD Little Moslem. Berdasarkan hasil survey, sebanyak 98,45% peserta memahami dan menggunakan aplikasi pengelolaan administrasi keuangan berbasis PHP, sehingga selain mampu menghadapi tantangan digital, dengan adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan terwujudnya Lembaga PAUD yang memiliki mutu, layanan yang baik, serta dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pengguna Lembaga PAUD

    Saving Product Using Blockchain for E-BMT Platform

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    Baitul Maal Wa At Tamwil (BMT) is a sharia financial institution that provides savings and loan services in accordance with the social, cultural, and economic needs of rural communities, especially in agricultural and plantation communities. The current data management is still using manual recording and a centralized server which can cause fraudulent financial reports and creates a lack of credibility between BMT and its customers. The research method is to decentralize the application data system by using blockchain technology, then replacing the conventional database to blockchain system. The simulation shows that the e-BMT application are connected to blockchain network as intended, users can use metamask to interact with the Ethereum network, the blockchain implementation on e-BMT application has run according to expectations with a 100% success rate with the average transfer time on two devices of 9.47 seconds and 12.13 seconds. While the results of data entry time on two devices obtained an average of 9.96 seconds and 37.09 seconds. While the blockchain implementation on e-BMT could provide access to every user so that each entity could confirm the validity of the transactions, the size of the transactions, and other data recorded on the blockchain without having to develop an integrated database system. The research contributes in two aspects, first, we develop the distributed blockchain system using public Ethereum  blockchain network integrated with with popular e-wallet such as metamask, provides easy access for both customers and BMT parties who are connected to the network so that the recorded data can be accessed by anyone, and second, the application of blockchain technology to BMT is capable to interact with users as it is built on a website platform with RESTful API


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    Kompresi citra digital merupakan upaya untuk melakukan transformasi terhadap data atau simbol penyusunan citra digital menjadi data atau simbol lain tanpa menimbulkan perubahan yang signifikan atas citra digital tersebut bagi mata manusia yang mengamatinya. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengurangi redudansi dari data-data yang terdapat dalam citra sehingga dapat disimpan atau ditransmisikan secaran efisien. Kanker Payudara merupakan kasus kanker terbanyak di Indonesia, dimana penatalaksanaannya membutuhkan banyak sekali data digital hasil rontgen. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengompres data digital hasil rontgen kanker payudara dengan ukuran yang lebih efisien tanpa mengubah atau mengurangi informasi serta masih dapat dinilai oleh pandangan manusia (ekspertis). Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik hybrid, yaitu Metode 2D DCT (Two Dimensional Discret Cosine Transform) dan Huffman. Tenaga Medis memberikan nilai 3 dari 4 ketika hasil kompresi mencapai rasio kompresi 34,36% dengan PSNR terbaik sebesar 40dB. Hasil pengujian ini menggunakan kedalaman nilai nol sebesar 0 hingga 3 pada proses kuantsasi 2D DCTDigital image compression is an attempt to transform the data or symbols of composing digital images into data or other symbols without causing significant changes in the digital image to the human views. The goal is to reduce the redundancy of the data contained in the image so it can be stored or transmitted efficiently. Breast cancer is one of the greatest cancer cases in Indonesia which requires so many digital data x-rays. This research is intended to compress digital X-ray images of breast cancer with more efficient size without altering or reducing its information and it still can be assessed by human view. Using hybrid compression method, they are 2D DCT (Two Dimensional Discret Cosine Transform) and Huffman Method, Medical expert gave 3 of 4 rate when it reach 34.36% compression ratio with 40dB PSNR. This test result used 0 till 3 depth of zero in 2D DCT quantization process

    Mental Health Helper: Intelligent Mobile Apps in the Pandemic Era

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    Every human being faces various episodes of events that can cause changes in mental health conditions, including this coronavirus pandemic disease. The ups and downs of the psychological turmoil dynamics resulted, and also traumatic feelings can occur continuously or for a certain period. It can cause an adverse response for those who experience it and even cause anxiety or mental disorders. The implementation of restrictions on community activities during these pandemic circumstances makes people who want to check their mental health condition difficult to meet the experts or professionals such as psychologists. Therefore, the application that can detect these anxiety disorders as early as possible to minimize unwanted effects was developed. In the making of the application, an expert system is used to determine the results of the diagnosis. The expert system requires knowledge that is produced from experts, especially in the psychology field. The data that has been obtained will be processed and then yield the results determined from the classification of anxiety types using several methods in Artificial Intelligence. Several tests were carried out 50 times using Certainty Factor methods to obtain an accuracy rate of 96%. It has similar accuracy compared to the Naïve Bayes method. This application called Mental Health Helper has a validity and reliability test to prove that this application is valid and reliable. It has better performance than previous researches, which still only has two classes of diseases

    Saving Product Using Blockchain for E-BMT Platform

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    Baitul Maal Wa At Tamwil (BMT) is a sharia financial institution that provides savings and loan services in accordance with the social, cultural, and economic needs of rural communities, especially in agricultural and plantation communities. The current data management is still using manual recording and a centralized server which can cause fraudulent financial reports and creates a lack of credibility between BMT and its customers. The research method is to decentralize the application data system by using blockchain technology, then replacing the conventional database to blockchain system. The simulation shows that the e-BMT application are connected to blockchain network as intended, users can use metamask to interact with the Ethereum network, the blockchain implementation on e-BMT application has run according to expectations with a 100% success rate with the average transfer time on two devices of 9.47 seconds and 12.13 seconds. While the results of data entry time on two devices obtained an average of 9.96 seconds and 37.09 seconds. While the blockchain implementation on e-BMT could provide access to every user so that each entity could confirm the validity of the transactions, the size of the transactions, and other data recorded on the blockchain without having to develop an integrated database system. The research contributes in two aspects, first, we develop the distributed blockchain system using public Ethereum blockchain network integrated with with popular e-wallet such as metamask, provides easy access for both customers and BMT parties who are connected to the network so that the recorded data can be accessed by anyone, and second, the application of blockchain technology to BMT is capable to interact with users as it is built on a website platform with RESTful API

    Saving Product Using Blockchain for E-BMT Platform

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    Baitul Maal Wa At Tamwil (BMT) is a sharia financial institution that provides savings and loan services in accordance with the social, cultural, and economic needs of rural communities, especially in agricultural and plantation communities. The current data management is still using manual recording and a centralized server which can cause fraudulent financial reports and creates a lack of credibility between BMT and its customers. The research method is to decentralize the application data system by using blockchain technology, then replacing the conventional database to blockchain system. The simulation shows that the e-BMT application are connected to blockchain network as intended, users can use metamask to interact with the Ethereum network, the blockchain implementation on e-BMT application has run according to expectations with a 100% success rate with the average transfer time on two devices of 9.47 seconds and 12.13 seconds. While the results of data entry time on two devices obtained an average of 9.96 seconds and 37.09 seconds. While the blockchain implementation on e-BMT could provide access to every user so that each entity could confirm the validity of the transactions, the size of the transactions, and other data recorded on the blockchain without having to develop an integrated database system. The research contributes in two aspects, first, we develop the distributed blockchain system using public Ethereum  blockchain network integrated with with popular e-wallet such as metamask, provides easy access for both customers and BMT parties who are connected to the network so that the recorded data can be accessed by anyone, and second, the application of blockchain technology to BMT is capable to interact with users as it is built on a website platform with RESTful API

    Perbandingan Ekstraksi Fitur dan Proses Matching pada Autentikasi Sidik Jari Manusia

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    ABSTRAK Sidik jari merupakan biometrik yang sering digunakan dalam teknologi autentikasi. Terdapat banyak metode yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat sistem klasifikasi sidik jari. Maximum Curvature Points (MCP) umumnya digunakan untuk ekstraksi citra pembuluh darah jari yang juga digunakan sebagai autentikasi. Pada penelitian ini akan diuji performansi dari metode MCP jika dibandingkan dengan metode yang umum digunakan pada proses pengenalan sidik jari, yaitu Hit and Miss Transform (HMT). Perbedaan domain, yaitu spasial pada Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC) dan frekuensi pada Phase Correlation (PC) dalam proses matching ternyata juga mempengaruhi performansi sistem. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa penggunakaan metode MHTNCC memiliki tingkat akurasi yang lebih baik dalam pengenalan sidik jari yaitu 92% untuk pengenalan ibu jari dan 98% untuk pengenalan jari telunjuk, dibandingkan dengan menggunakan metode MCP-PC yang hanya memiliki tingkat akurasi sebesar 88% untuk pengenalan ibu jari dan 92% untuk pengenalan jari telunjuk. Kata kunci: sidik jari, MCP, HMT, phase correlation, normalized cross correlation ABSTRACTFingerprint is one of the biometric systems that are often used in an authentication technology. There are many methods that can be used to develop fingerprint’s classification system. Maximum Curvature Points (MCP) are generally used for finger vein image extraction which is also used as authentication. MCP performance will be compared to common method in finger print recognition, Hit and Miss Transform (HMT). Using different domains, spatial in Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC) and frequency in Phase Correlation (PC) affect the system performance. The results show that the application of HMT-NCC more accurate in terms of finger print’s recognition, 92% in accuracy for thumb recognition and 98% accuracy for index finger recognition, while MCP-PC is only reach 88% in accuracy for thumb recognition and 92% accuracy for index finger recognition. Keywords: fingerprint, MCP, HMT, phase correlation, normalized cross correlatio